Sandpoint-headquartered energy organization sets sights on lofty clean energy goals By Christian Weaner| Photo courtesy of MAD Energy
With world-class energy experts in leadership positions, a network of subsidiary companies around the world and teams of researchers and scientists developing clean energy solutions, Make a Difference (MAD) Energy finds itself on the bleeding edge of some of the most innovative clean energy technologies in existence today.
In its three years of existence, MAD has raised $100 million in investment funding and created strategic partnerships across the globe, setting in motion the initial phases of the organization's mission to produce "clean, abundant and affordable energy for the world."
Admittedly, many of MAD's ambitions might sound grand and wide-ranging, but that was the emphasis from the beginning, according to Chief Marketing Officer Christian Fioravanti.
"We love the idea of Sandpoint, Idaho, being the headquarters for a company that is going to impact the world," Christian stated. "The comparison to Elon Musk, Starlink, and some of the big things that he is doing … We believe a company like that—like a SpaceX—can be here in Sandpoint. And that's MAD."
MAD Energy was founded in February 2020 by successful international attorney and businessman George Wentz.
Having operated in the energy sector for more than 40 years and represented some of the world's largest oil and gas companies, George has developed a knack for looking beyond the surface level and addressing the root challenges humanity faces today regarding energy production and distribution.
Access to energy can impact everything from food production to currency fluctuation. According to a recent study conducted by Our World Data, more than 750 million people still do not have access to electricity today, and 3 billion—or 40 percent of the world's population—have no access to clean fuels for cooking.
For George, Christian and the entire team at MAD, finding solutions that provide abundant and affordable energy to individuals around the globe is at the heart of everything they do.
"We are developing both large infrastructure energy projects while at the same time developing research and development technologies that have the potential to really impact the people of this world in a big way," Christian added.
One of these projects currently being negotiated and set into motion is a MAD subsidiary company called Firebird LNG, which is aiming to plant a liquefied natural gas (LNG) site in the resource-rich Guyana-Suriname Basin.
Working in partnership with the Surinamese government, MAD has received the necessary permits and approvals to begin construction on the 1,500-hectare site that will house one of the first greenfield LNG facilities in the world.
"We are very close to hitting the key milestones to kick off that whole project off and to not only help lift up the people of Suriname and bring them to a first-world status very quickly because of this single project," Christian described, "but we are also going to be aiding Europe, which is in desperate need of natural gas."
Another strategic partnership that MAD sees as a primary fixture in achieving its goals moving forward is with ADACEN, whose CEO, Lt. General Jon M. Davis, is the chair of MAD's Strategic Advisory Board.
ADACEN has an exclusive contract with MAD, making MAD Energy the organization's sole Power Integrator as it begins to roll out a global web of next-generation data center infrastructure.
A third, and possibly the most intriguing, project that MAD is currently working toward is developing a new technology designed to allow for wireless energy transmission based on the ideas of Nikola Tesla.
"MAD Energy is going to be the company that commercializes modern-day Nikola Tesla wireless energy transmission towers," Christian said. "And we are going to be able to bring safe energy and data transmission to the world."
Ultimately, in everything MAD does, the organization's primary goal is to put the power back into the hands of the people. One primary way MAD accomplishes this goal is by funding itself entirely through retail and accredited investors.
"Not only is MAD funded by the people—because we wanted to bring the people in to [reap] the reward that comes from this [instead of] big oil companies or Wall Street," Christian said, "but we also plan to allow for investments into our subsidiary companies as well, by both retail and accredited investors."
As MAD continues expanding and furthering its global clean energy projects, the organization hopes to encourage prosperity in North Idaho, North Africa and everywhere in between.
"Something very special is being done here [at MAD]," Christian noted. "And it is the coolest thing ever, to me, that it's headquartered in Sandpoint, Idaho, because I look forward to seeing some of those external benefits supporting this area because of the success of this company.”
If you want to learn more about how you can invest in the mission of MAD Energy, contact Head of Investor Relations Mat MacDonald at 208.627.9390 or mat@madenergy.com.